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Volunteer Procedures


Interested in Becoming a RUSD Volunteer? 

The Board of Trustees recognizes that volunteer assistance in schools can enrich the educational program, increase supervision of students, and contribute to school safety while strengthening the schools' relationships with the community. The Board encourages parents/guardians and other members of the community to share their time, knowledge, and abilities with students. (Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 1240). 

Volunteers are an integral part of our school communities, and we encourage parents and community members to get involved. All Volunteers are required to comply with Board Policies, including BP 4119.24 Maintaining Appropriate Adult-Student Interactions. 

Volunteers are defined as someone who may: 

  • Assist in one-time activities such as guest speaking, job-shadowing, or chaperoning dances 
  • Attend Field Trips 
  • Assist at School Activities (Classroom Volunteer, Field Day, etc…)
  • Observes classes through a university-approved program 


Volunteer applications must be submitted at least 2 weeks before a field trip or event. Otherwise, the application may not be processed in time.

Ready to Volunteer?  

  • Step 1:  Complete a TB Clearance (test or risk assessment). Upload the results to the online volunteer application.  You can visit your physician for this assessment.
  • Step 2: Complete the online volunteer application through our online portal called Raptor. Please carefully read the directions when submitting your information. All documents must be completed before the application can be submitted. The application cannot be saved to complete later.
  • Step 3: Once we reviewed your volunteer application, you will be contacted by our District Office to obtain fingerprinting and/or provide TB Clearance (if not already uploaded in Step 2). These appointments occur at the Riverbank USD Office. If you have previously had fingerprints processed for RUSD, you DO NOT need to process them again unless stated otherwise.
  • Step 4: Check your email for updates from Raptor, our volunteer and visitor management system, regarding the status of your application. If you do not receive any emails, please reach out to your school site contact.

Please note volunteer applications must be renewed every two years; this does not include fingerprints. Please only select the buildings you plan to volunteer at within the next two years. The Superintendent or designee maintains the right to approve or revoke volunteer applications. 


Thank you again for supporting our schools! 

Riverbank Unified School District

Learn More About our Board Policies

Click Here to Begin Your Volunteer Application