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What is a complaint?
A Uniform Complaint Procedures (UCP) complaint is a written and signed statement alleging a violation of federal or state laws or regulations, which may include an allegation of unlawful discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying.

The Riverbank Unified School District (RUSD) annually notifies its students, employees, parents/guardians, school and district advisory committee members, appropriate private school officials or representatives, and other interested parties of the District’s Uniform Complaint Procedures (UCP) process. The notice is also available on the RUSD website.

Programs & Activities Subject to the UCP

  • Accommodations for pregnant and parenting students
  • Adult Education
  • After School Education and Safety
  • Agricultural Career Technical Education
  • Career Technical Education, Career Technical and Technical Training programs
  • Child care and development programs
  • Compensatory education
  • Consolidated categorical aid programs
  • Course periods without educational content
  • Discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying based on a person’s actual or perceived race, color, ancestry, nationality, national origin, immigration status, ethnic group identification, ethnicity, age, religion, marital status, pregnancy, parental status, physical or mental disability, medical condition, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, gender expression, or genetic information, or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics, in any program or activity that is funded directly by, or that receives or benefits from, any state financial assistance
  • Educational and graduation requirements for students in foster care, students experiencing homelessness, students from military families, students formerly in Juvenile Court now enrolled in a school district, students who are migratory, and who are newcomer students
  • Every Student Succeeds Act
  • Local Control and Accountability Plan
  • Migrant education
  • Physical education instructional minutes
  • Reasonable accommodations for a lactating student
  • Regional occupational centers and programs
  • School Plans for Student Achievement 
  • School Site Councils
  • State preschool programs
  • State preschool health and safety issues, in license-exempt programs
  • Student fees
  • Any other state or federal educational program the State Superintendent of Public Instruction or designee deems appropriate
  • A complaint alleging unlawful discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying must be filed no later than six months from the date of the alleged conduct or the date the complainant first obtained knowledge of the facts of the alleged conduct. 
    All other UCP complaints must be filed no later than one year from the date the alleged violation occurred. For complaints relating to Local Control and Accountability Plans (LCAP), the date of the alleged violation is the date when the reviewing authority approves the LCAP or annual update that was adopted by the District.
    A student enrolled in any RUSD schools cannot be required to pay a student fee for participation in an educational activity. A student fee complaint may be filed with the principal of a school or the compliance officer.

    A student fee or LCAP complaint may be filed anonymously, that is, without an identifying signature, if the complainant provides evidence or information leading to evidence to support an allegation of noncompliance.

    Complaints within the scope of the UCP are to be filed with the following compliance officer who is responsible for processing complaints and who is knowledgeable about the laws and programs that they are assigned to investigate: 

    Elizabeth Rodarte, EdD
    Assistant Superintendent Student Services and Interventions
    (209) 869-2438

    Complaints Against Employees
    Leanne Leonard, EdD
    Chief of Human Resources 

    Uniform Complaint Annual Notice
    Riverbank USD Board Policy
    Board Policy 1312.3: Uniform Complaint Procedures
    Regulation 1312.3: Uniform Complaint Procedures

  • The District has the primary responsibility to ensure compliance with applicable state and federal laws and regulations, including those related to unlawful discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying against any protected group, and all programs and activities that are subject to the UCP.

    The District posts a standardized notice, in addition to this notice, with educational rights and graduation requirements for students in foster care, students experiencing homelessness students from military families, students formerly in Juvenile Court now enrolled in a school district, students who are migratory, and newcomer students.

    The District advises complainants of the opportunity to appeal an Investigation Report of complaints regarding programs within the scope of the UCP to the CDE. Complainants are also advised of civil law remedies, including injunctions, restraining orders, or other remedies or orders that may be available under state or federal discrimination, harassment, intimidation or bullying laws, if applicable.

    Copies of the UCP procedures are available free of charge.

  • In order to identify appropriate subjects of state preschool health and safety issues pursuant to California Health and Safety Code (HSC) 1596.7925, a notice is posted in each RUSD California state preschool program classroom. 

    The notice is in addition to this UCP annual notice and addresses parents/guardians, students, and teachers of (1) the health and safety requirements under Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations that apply to California state preschool programs pursuant to HSC 1596.7925, and (2) the location at which to obtain a form to file a complaint.

  • Pursuant to Education Code 35186, you are hereby notified that:

    1. There should be sufficient textbooks and instructional materials. That means each student, including an English learner, must have a textbook or instructional materials, or both, to use in class and to use at home or after school.
    2. School facilities must be clean, safe, and maintained in good repair.
    3. There should be no teacher vacancies or misassignments. There should be a teacher assigned to each class and not a series of substitutes or other temporary teachers. The teacher should have the proper credential to teach the class, including the certification required to teach English learners, if present.
      1. Misassignments means the placement of a certificated employee in a teaching or services position for which the employee does not hold a legally recognized certificated or credential or the placement of a certificated employee in a teaching or services position that the employee is not otherwise authorized by statute to hold.
      2. Teacher vacancy means a position to which a single designated certificated employee has not been assigned at the beginning of the year for an entire year or, if the position is for a one-semester course, a position to which a single designated certificated employee has not been assigned at the beginning of a semester for an entire semester.
      3. If you choose to file a complaint alleging that any of the above conditions is not being met, your complaint will be addressed through the District’s Williams uniform complaint procedures as required by law. A complaint form may be obtained through the principal’s office. However, a complaint need not be filed using the District’s complaint form.

    Williams Complaint Notification